Accessing Historical Reports on Mobile

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This functionality is only available for our iOS users at the moment.

Historical reports are previously generated reports of closed inspections carried out on a building. You can access historical reports on the Xaap mobile application before you create a new inspection, as well as after you have created or joined an open inspection.

The reports are building specific, and can be further filtered by selecting a date range, or by searching for a specific Work Order Number, Inspector or Frequency. You also have the option to share the reports via email.

View Reports Before Creating a New Inspection

  1. Open the Xaap mobile application and click on ‘Search a building to start’.
  2. Type in the name of your building and then select it from the list.
  3. Click the ‘Historical Reports’ button.

Access historical reports before starting an inspection

View Reports in An Open Inspection

  1. Open the Xaap mobile application and click on ‘Search a building to start’.
  2. Type in the name of your building and then select it from the list.

    Select an open inspection 
  3. Select any open inspection for the building.
  4. In the Inspection Summary, click on the ‘Building’ tab.
  5. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click on ‘Historical Reports’.

    Join inspection and click Building tab to view reports

Search and Filter

To search for specific reports, type an inspector’s name, a Work Order Number, or a Frequency into the search bar just above the list of reports.

You can also filter the reports by a certain date range:

  1. Click the Filter icon in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Click on ‘Select Date’, then tap on the date shown to bring up the calendar where you can pick your start and end date.
    Filter reports by date range 
  3. Once you have picked your start and end date, click ‘Apply’ in the top right corner of the screen.
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